Week 4 Dev Log

Week 4 - Switchtosis

Things Implemented:

- Sprites and animations for the entryway to weapons.

- Pointer and dialogue box for Blinky.

- Sprites and animations for weapons level.

Unfortunately my other assignments are starting to catch up to me, so this will be a pretty lackluster devlog, I wasn't able to achieve as much as I had wished this week. But grind time will happen next week.


(All sprites used in the game are made by me)

Weapons level:

Door opening and closing animation:

Dialogue box:

Dialogue with Blinky:

Weapons door animation:

Entering weapons from lobby:

Future plans for next week:

- Adding the option for the player to choose different songs. This will mean making another beatmap, as well as composing a new song  ;-;  (The main menu song will probably be the one used in the next level, with a plan of having three songs in total).

- Syncing the notes to a animation that will kill the co-responding alien color to the note. This will be a pain in the ass.

- Finishing the game logic by adding a end screen, storing the high score and displaying it in the lobby somewhere.

- Adding a controls scene that showcases the basic controls of the game.

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