Week 1 Dev Log

Week 1 - Switchtosis

Things implemented:

- Main interactive lobby system. This is a walk-able level used by the player in order to access things such as the settings menu, talk to Blinky, or the access 'weapons' area.

- Weapons level. This is where the player will be playing the rhythm part of the game.

- Switch mechanic. The main 'niche' mechanic of the game, where pressing the space bar switches the controls from WASD/arrow keys to JKL;.

- Working keybindings and appropriate controls displayed.

- Custom sprites for blinky, walkways and stairs for the ship, arrow keys and JKL; keys.


The best that I can classify as 'Movement' for this game is probably the controls for the rhythm mechanics, so that's what was worked on this week.

The controls are displayed on the bottom of the screen on the weapons level, each displaying different colors, and directional arrows/controls based on the switch mode. The controls are able to change based on if the boolean 'switchToggled' is true or not. switchToggled is toggled on and off throughout the use of the space bar. Depending if switchToggled is active or not , the controls change their keybindings and appearance based on the mode.


(Demonstrating above that icons can switch, and are darkened when pressed.)

The 'Lobby' level was created as a way for the user to pick their current song from talking to Blinky, or access the settings and weapons level by walking through their doors, activating the co-responding scene (Sprites for nearly everything is still in progress). The player navigates the level using basic eight way movement and a cinemachine camera for a more natural following camera look.


(Player walking into the weapons level from the lobby demonstrated above.)

Custom sprites

All sprites used in the game so far has been custom made using aseprite, as I couldn't find any sprites online that I felt would match what I was going to want this project to look like.

- Blinky

(Will have to downscale from 128x128 to 64x64 or 32x32 as it looks very uncanny against the 32x32 tiles)


(example of how jarring it looks from player camera.)

- Floor tiles


- Arrow keys


- JKL; keys

(both of the arrow keys and the JKL; keys are 32x32 each, the color scheme will probably have to change to more match the space theme of the game.)

Future plans within the next week

- Dialog box for Blinky, prompting the user to choose which song level to play, or if they wish to play the tutorial (Just to display, not actually functioning, will probably use that high res GIF of Blinky as the character portait).

- Falling notes that give score.

- Maybe an implementation of a parallax background for the lobby level (Most likely will be done in the later weeks when core functions are working).

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